Come visit us in the greenhouse for assistance in planning your perennial garden. We can identify plants, address pest issues, and provide solutions for cultivating thriving gardens.
Blooms | Contrast | Texture
The 3 most important things to consider when planning a visually appealing garden. Choose plants with different bloom times AND contrasting foliage so that they look vibrant against each other when not in bloom. Texture can create different lighting effects in the sun, adding to your contrast.
Rabbit & Deer Resistant Plants
Living in our urban location brings beautiful wildlife into our backyards even if they were not invited. We have a large sign in our perennial section of deer and rabbit resistant plants for easy shopping! Check our our online plant library as well! - Click Here
Shade | Full Sun | Part Sun
We have a wide variety of perennials for all different locations in your garden. Whether you have a shady nook or a drought prone rock garden we can help you find the perfect mix. Tip when shopping: Look up at the shade cloth to see if we have it under shade or not.
We carry one of the largest selections around of Hardy Perennials & Flowering Shrubs. Perennials, which come back every year, have specific months in which they bloom. This creates an ever changing environment in our Perennial section! Come back for new inspiration often because our displays evolve with the blossoms!

Chatham's Hardiness Planting Zone is
Zone 6b
Hardiness zones refers to what the lowest temperature a plant can survive in, and therefore tells us what geographic regions can support specific plants.
Anything labelled above your zone will be too tender to survive through our winters. Anything labelled in your zone or lower will be hardy through our winters.
Helpful Tips
When To Split Your Hostas
Soaker Hoses Are Worth Their Weight In Gold!
Pet Friendly Plants
There are so many plant options for pet owners to enjoy. ASPCA has a detailed list of non-toxic plants for Cats, Dogs, and Horses CLICK HERE
We can show you all of the options we have available in store!